react-native-cookies copied to clipboard
RCTDefines.h file not found
swift,react-native0.48.3 when i use
yarn add react-native-cookies
react-native link react-native-cookies
then i clean and run
an error occur
google and do something but none is ok
like this
need help thx
I have a same issue.
@ccyfly swift with react-native? i solve it by dray .h and .m in the project and use them
I've the same issue, i don't understand how you solved it
@HuangQiii No, I am not using swift
I solved the problem this way:
Open in Xcode the XCWORKSPACE project file under ios folder of your app.
ad to bulid setting variable Header Search Paths the path:
see this in expo docu:
If the library doesn’t support CocoaPods, react-native link may fail to include the library’s header files. If you encounter build issues locating the <React/*> headers, you may need to manually add Pods/Headers/Public to the Header Search Paths configuration for your native dependency in Xcode. If you’re not familiar with Xcode, search Xcode help for “configure build settings” to get an idea of how those work. Header Search Paths is one such build setting. The target you care to configure is the one created by react-native link inside your Xcode project. You’ll want to determine the relative path from your library to Pods/Headers/Public.
If you are using Expo, you can also just add this line to your Podfile:
pod 'react-native-cookies', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-cookies/ios'
And then pod install
. You'll also want to unlink the library first if you had linked it originally.
react-native unlink react-native-cookies
I have forked the repo here: We can create issues and PRs there to continue the development of the project.