pykka icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pykka copied to clipboard


Open drozzy opened this issue 10 years ago • 1 comments

Currently, the only way to know that the "child" actor failed, is to employ the 'ask' pattern:

actor = MyActor.start()
except Exception:
      # actor failed!

However, if we are using tell, the is no way to "detect" a failure:

actor.tell({'command':'throw me an exception!'})
# Everything is great!

Akka handles this by registering an actor for "death watch":

In pykka we can implement a similar thing manually by providing an actor with a parent argument and overriding on_failure in the MyActor:

class MyActor(ThreadingActor):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        super(MyActor, self).__init__()
        self.parent = parent

    def on_failure(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
        self.parent.tell({'command': 'death', 'exception': exception_value})

Then the parent actor would simply have to handle it, like so:

class Parent(ThreadingActor):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        super(Parent, self).__init__()
        self.child = MyActor.start(parent=self.actor_ref)

    def on_receive(self, message):
        if message.get('command') == 'death:            
            # Child actor died....
            if not self.child.is_alive():
                # restart it...
                self.child = MyActor.start(parent=self.actor_ref)

P.S.: On the readme page, where it says what "pykka is not" --- supervision is one of the mentions. Is there any specific reasons (aside from time/effort) that its not? I.e. are you opposed to the idea?

drozzy avatar Aug 12 '14 18:08 drozzy

Thanks for providing a good howto on how to implement a supervision pattern yourself. Supervision is mostly lacking from Pykka because of time/effort/need, and not because I oppose it. I'm interested in including it in a future Pykka 2.

I'll leave this bug open to either add the pattern to docs or to use it as basis for some future supervision support

jodal avatar Aug 12 '14 20:08 jodal