Jochen Klar
Jochen Klar
The `margin-top` from `.import-buttons` needs to go.
One more: I think the checkbox should be `Show only created and changed` and should also include the elements to be created. The `.horizontal-container` needs to have `padding-bottom: 0;`
Yes, but the indent looks somehow "off". In the interview we have the same, but there is a moving arrow so there it makes sense.
I think its fine, there would be no straight forward way to keep the state when the page is reloaded.
Thanks for reporting, this will be fixed in the next release.
Yes, thanks for catching this.
I would say we treat the node version like django or react, only update manually.
I don't mind squashing these kind of automatic updates. I don't want to squash commits by humans.
Fine with me, I guess we should enable UP031 then again and fix the issues, probably automatically. After merging the feature branches.
Hi @johlton , thanks for reporting, the fix will be released in RDMO 2.1.3 (hopefully today).