Tasmoticz copied to clipboard
typeDb contains keys in different languages
it is weird why some keys in variable typeDb are in English and some are in German such as zählerstand_total Do you have a plan to make all of them in one style?
typeDb = {
'Temperature': {'Name': 'Temperatur', 'Unit': '°C', 'DomoType': 'Temperature'},
'Humidity': {'Name': 'Feuchtigkeit', 'Unit': '%', 'DomoType': 'Humidity'},
'Pressure': {'Name': 'Luftdruck', 'Unit': 'hPa', 'DomoType': 'Barometer'},
'Illuminance': {'Name': 'Helligkeit', 'Unit': 'lux', 'DomoType': 'Illumination'},
'Distance': {'Name': 'Abstand', 'Unit': 'mm ', 'DomoType': 'Distance'},
'UvLevel': {'Name': 'UV Level', 'Unit': 'raw', 'DomoType': 'Custom'},
'UvIndex': {'Name': 'UV Index', 'Unit': 'UVI', 'DomoType': 'Custom'},
'UvPower': {'Name': 'UV Leistung', 'Unit': 'W/m²', 'DomoType': 'Custom'},
'Total': {'Name': 'Gesamt', 'Unit': 'kWh', 'DomoType': '113;0;0'},
'Yesterday': {'Name': 'Gestern', 'Unit': 'kWh', 'DomoType': 'Custom'},
'Today': {'Name': 'Heute', 'Unit': 'kWh', 'DomoType': 'Custom'},
'Power': {'Name': 'Leistung', 'Unit': 'kW', 'DomoType': 'Usage'},
'ApparentPower': {'Name': 'Scheinleistung', 'Unit': 'kW', 'DomoType': 'Usage'},
'ReactivePower': {'Name': 'Blindleistung', 'Unit': 'kW', 'DomoType': 'Usage'},
'Factor': {'Name': 'Leistungsfaktor', 'Unit': 'W/VA', 'DomoType': 'Custom'},
'Frequency': {'Name': 'Frequenz', 'Unit': 'Hz', 'DomoType': 'Custom'},
'Voltage': {'Name': 'Spannung', 'Unit': 'V', 'DomoType': 'Voltage'},
'Current': {'Name': 'Strom', 'Unit': 'A', 'DomoType': 'Current (Single)'},
'zählerstand_total': {'Name':'Total Usage', 'Unit':'KWh', 'DomoType': '113;0;0'},
'zählerstand_tarif_1': {'Name':'Tarif1 Usage', 'Unit':'KWh', 'DomoType': '113;0;0'},
'zählerstand_tarif_2': {'Name':'Tarif2 Usage', 'Unit':'KWh', 'DomoType': '113;0;0'},
'aktuelle_wirkleistung': {'Name': 'Usage Total', 'Unit':' W', 'DomoType': 'Usage'},
'wirkleistung_l1': {'Name': 'Usage l1', 'Unit':' W', 'DomoType': 'Usage'},
'wirkleistung_l2': {'Name': 'Usage l2', 'Unit':' W', 'DomoType': 'Usage'},
'wirkleistung_l3': {'Name': 'Usage l3', 'Unit':' W', 'DomoType': 'Usage'}