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Another malfunction related to the energy indicator.
On January 1, I wanted to reset the energy indications with the command EnergyTotal1 0 EnergyTotal2 0 EnergyTotal3 0 and the reset of the indications went very well - the indications were 0.0, but unfortunately, in order for the Tasmota indications to appear in Domoticz, you have to remove the device in Domoticz. When they remove a device in domoticz, its idx changes and then the pointer in daschticz does not work and the next change in daschticz works. When I have several counters, there is some work with changes.
sorry, not sure what the actual problem is or what you want tasmoticz to do?
I execute the EnergyTotal 0 command In domoticz you should see an energy reading of 0.00 In order for new readings from the 0.00 energy counter to appear in domoticz, you need to remove the block in domoticz.
Is there anything you can do? I would like to execute EnergyTotal 0 every month but each time I have to delete the Domoticz electricity block.
Is there anything you can do?
How a reset to lower values is handled is totally up to domoticz. Maybe that can be influenced somehow, but I don't know.