João Soares
João Soares
With `DEBUG` enabled, this is the last log I see in the worker before the job just hangs: ``` Jan 10 14:40:03 nautobot-server nautobot-server[31797]: 15:40:03.610 DEBUG nautobot.core.celery nautobot_kombu_json_loads_hook() :...
I will look into 1 and 2, since I don't visit chronoGG that much anymore, I just have the script running, so I'm not quite sure what this is about...
I just checked my ChronoGG transaction history and the bonus chests (3-day bonus chest, 7-day, etc) seem to be activated automatically, without having to click on them. Is that what...
I'm also feeling this has something to do with the timestamp ordering. Since my streams all have different timestamps (almost different timezones)
Nope, nothing to do with the timestamps, I set --parse-date false in every rtail, and the issue still remains.
I would also really appreciate this. Maybe an option to only show the filename and not the full path?