binance-java-api copied to clipboard
"For" with 3 Apikey runs all purchases only for the first (apikey) account of the list.
I have 3 'ApiKey' different accounts and 1 invalid, but no matter what I do in the for the purchase is only posted to the account of the first ApiKey, example; if the first one is invalid all are invalid, if you launch the purchase and it is validated, all are being validated for the same account but with the correct values of each purchase. I do not know how to close or open each "session" something of the type. What should I do?
List<Ticket> listTicket = (List<Ticket>) ticketServiceImpl.findAll();
for (int i = 0; i < listTicket.size(); i++) {
String apiKey = listTicket.get(i).getUser().getApiKey().toString();
String secretKey = listTicket.get(i).getUser().getSecretKey().toString();
buy(currencyPair, stringAmountBuy, apiKey, secretKey, purchasePrice);
`public class Buy {
public void buy(String currencyPair,String amountBTC,String apiKey,String secretKey,BigDecimal purchasePrice) {
BinanceApiClientFactory factory = BinanceApiClientFactory.newInstance(apiKey,secretKey);
BinanceApiRestClient client = factory.newRestClient();
String purchasePriceString = String.valueOf(purchasePrice);
NewOrderResponse newOrderResponse = client.newOrder(limitBuy(currencyPair, TimeInForce.GTC, amountBTC, purchasePriceString));
System.out.println("Class buy..."+ newOrderResponse);