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CAI NEURAL API - Pascal based deep learning neural network API optimized for AVX, AVX2 and AVX512 instruction sets plus OpenCL capable devices including AMD, Intel and NVIDIA.
Hi, This ticket isn't about your project, directly. However I started lookig into writing a (C)NN and got a bit stuck on something. I started on this topic with this...
Implement capability into NeuralFit to save maximum validation accuracy or minimum loss or error.
this allows to load CIFAR10 & CIFAR100 datasets from the arbitrary location by default, directory initialized as empty string, so this should not affects on the existing logic usage: `...
Use this code as inspiration: def HardSigmoid(x): return tensorflow.keras.layers.ReLU( 6.0 )( x + 3.0 ) * ( 1.0 / 6.0 ) def HardSwish(x): return tensorflow.keras.layers.Multiply()([tensorflow.keras.layers.Activation(HardSigmoid)(x), x])
Following inspiration on the paper "Grouped Pointwise Convolutions Significantly Reduces Parameters in EfficientNet", implement a CAI optimized kDenseNet.
Add Faster Grouped Convolution Implementation
Hi The code runs perfectly under Win64. But I get an error on for Linux. I am trying to compile the same SimpleMNIST demo for Linux (20.04 PopOS/Ubuntu). [DCC Fatal...