angular-bootstrap-select copied to clipboard
ng-options Doesn't Rebind After Scope Variable Change
If the variable used in ng-options
changes after the view is rendered the select box does not rerender.
This makes this plugin unusable when getting select options from an AJAX call.
Is there a way to get around this? Is the a bug that needs to be looked into?
I find out temporary solution for me. I don't know how I can create watch on ng-options, so I used another way to refresh it.
Step1: Created another attribute called 'options', assign it an object which you are looping in 'ng-options'. Example: ng-options=' as in for item in users' options='users' Step2: In angular-bootstrap-select.js file, add watch on this 'options' in function called selectpickerDirective. Example: function selectpickerDirective($parse, $timeout) { .... add code after ngDisabled watch: if (attrs['options']) { scope.$watch(attrs['options'], function (value) { if (value) { scope.$applyAsync(function () { element.selectpicker('refresh'); }); } }, true); }
Whenever you will update ng-options, it will get refreshed.
I wanted the same behaviour, so i looked into the code (test/select.js) and....
If you want to "watch" your option's value, use "track by" in ng-options
<select selectpicker
data-style="btn-select" data-none-selected-text=""
ng-options="option.value as option.label for option in options track by option.value"></select>
Hope it'll help
@frlinw thanks you're a life saver
Hi @frlinw, Thanks for the solution, but it will only work when you have any option selected. Let say, I have a screen with 2 selects A & B. A is static select and based on it's selection I am updating B dynamically. When page loads, if I will first select option in B and then in A, it will work. When I will first select option in A and try to build B dynamically, it will update option values but you can't see it until you will not select option in B with pre-loaded values. After selecting pre-loaded value in B, it will display updated options in B.
It's a particular use case, maybe there is a better way. (jsfiddle example ?)
This directive overrides the $render method which causes the ng-options to never get rendered. By calling the previous render as well, things are solved:
var superRender = ngModel.$render;
ngModel.$render = function () {
scope.$evalAsync(function () {
@nelisbijl +1. Works for me.
@bmanturner , @nelisbijl i dont know where to place that code, i placed in my app.js , but not working
@yugandharBellam, you need to put this code inside the source code of angular-bootstrap-select. I no longer use this package By then I should have created a pull request but my knowledge of Git prevented me from doing so