botman icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
botman copied to clipboard

Botman is here to speed up those witty responses on Facebook


Botman is here to speed up those witty responses on Facebook



Compatible with


Get it here

Known commands


- botman image (query) 
- botman img (query) 
- botman animate (query) 
- botman gif (query) 

Returns a pertinent image or animated gif for the query from Google Images


- botman translate from (lang) to (lang) (query)
- botman translate to (lang) (query)
- botman translate from (lang) (query)

Translate the query from the source language to to target language. Source if not specified source language defaults to "auto" and target language to "english".


- botman yt (query)
- botman youtube (query)

Returns the most relevant video for the query.


- botman map (query)

Returns a google maps link to the queried location


- maneira burra
- que loucura
- como voce e burro
- que coisa absurda

Caetano lays the smackdown, you really are that stupid.


- wow

Doge is aware of very escalating amaze and auto replies


- botman rename (new name)

Rename botman, make him your own, and from then on invoke him by his new name


Get started

  • Install node.js and grunt with npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Fork and clone your copy of the repo
  • Run npm install in the project root


  • Build with grunt
  • Continuously build with grunt watch


Adding new replies and commands to botman is straightforward

There are 3 types of commands that you can register with botman, each requires as parameters a capture RegExp to match against a sent or received message, and a callback that's executed when the capture is executed.

  • hear(capture, callback)

    Triggered when you attempt to send a message that matches the capture regex

  • comply(capture, callback)

    Same as hear, except requires that botman be called before matching the message text.

  • reply(capture, callback)

    Triggered when you receive a message that matches the capture reges

// contain your excitement
robot.comply(/hi+/i, function(msg){

The callback when botman matches a registered command receives as an argument a Message object with the following properties:

  • match

    Array result of the regex match on message (useful for capturing arguments for your commands)

  • target

    Chatbox textarea HTMLElement from the conversation that triggered the callback.

And functions:

  • body()

    Body of the original message that triggered the conversation

  • send(messageBody)

    Immediately send a message

  • replace(messageBody)

    Replace all text in the chatbox textarea (useful for messages you want to evaluate or to trigger Facebook's link sharing parsing before sending)

Heavily inspired by github/hubot

Credits to @gbmoretti for the idea :sparkling_heart: