Joao Silva
Joao Silva
Hi all, I'm having the same issues. It connects fine when I pair but after a restart/going to sleep it displays as connected but doesn't work. The only way to...
It's the Rti-Tek 1. TRV 601 LED display on the side and rotating knob on the top.
So sorry, I forgot to mention that it "works" getting the temperature and set because I've added it exactly there. 😅 But can't turn it off/on, get the window detection...
Thanks, @jacekk015 if you need any debug from the tuya developer portal I can get you.
Sure: ``` { "node_descriptor": "NodeDescriptor(logical_type=, complex_descriptor_available=0, user_descriptor_available=0, reserved=0, aps_flags=0, frequency_band=, mac_capability_flags=, manufacturer_code=4098, maximum_buffer_size=82, maximum_incoming_transfer_size=82, server_mask=11264, maximum_outgoing_transfer_size=82, descriptor_capability_field=, *allocate_address=True, *is_alternate_pan_coordinator=False, *is_coordinator=False, *is_end_device=True, *is_full_function_device=False, *is_mains_powered=False, *is_receiver_on_when_idle=False, *is_router=False, *is_security_capable=False)", "endpoints": { "1": {...
``` 2021-11-18 20:27:12 INFO (MainThread) [zigpy_deconz.zigbee.application] New device joined: 0x9817, 50:32:5f:ff:fe:91:dd:82 2021-11-18 20:27:12 INFO (MainThread) [zigpy.application] New device 0x9817 (50:32:5f:ff:fe:91:dd:82) joined the network 2021-11-18 20:27:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.device] [0x9817] Scheduling...
Thanks, @jacekk015 💯
I'm not getting those unless I add the line ("_TZE200_a4bpgplm", "TS0601") If I add them it seems to consume some of them and others doesn't Can you send the file...
I'm not sure what's happening but I've added the device and see the logs when adding but then I can control some of the things in ex: Lovelace and see...
``` 021-11-19 14:59:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.appdb] Error handling '_unsupported_attribute_added' event with (50:32:5f:ff:fe:91:dd:82, 1, 513, 17) params: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed 2021-11-19 14:59:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_deconz.uart] Frame received: 0x1cfc000c00050002eb63ffe7 2021-11-19 14:59:09...