pigpio copied to clipboard
gpioSetISRFuncEx does not trigger on rpi3/4
When making GPIO 2 high, the callback is not triggered on rpi4 (I've verified that it works fine on rpi2).
#include <pigpio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void func(int gpio_n, int level, uint32_t tick, void *modemptr)
printf("%d %d %d\n", gpio_n, level, tick);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int gpio_n = 2;
gpioSetMode(gpio_n, PI_INPUT);
gpioSetISRFuncEx(gpio_n, FALLING_EDGE, 10000, func, NULL);
return 0;
If I replace sleep() with printf("%d\n", gpioRead(gpio_n)), then I do see the pin go from 1 to 0, yet no trigger.
The ISR function uses the Linux sysfs system to provide interrupts.
I wonder if GPIO 2 has been already assigned for another purpose (e.g. I2C) and is not available to be used.
Check to see if /dev/i2c-1 exists.
Also check that the return from gpioSetISRFuncEx is not an error code.
No I2C configured and gpioSetISRFuncEx returned no error (0).
There's progress though: if I make sure that the device resets (makes low) its irq-pin and then set the isr-function, then it works.