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[Feature Request] add fan speed in thermostat page
Hi is it possible to have some space for a selection of fan speed in the thermostat page ? i have 4 fan speeds to be selected. everytime i want to change the fan speed, i still have to use phone to do. moreover, it would be better if the distance between icons (cool, dry, hot) is a bit further so i will not mispress the mode i desire. again thank you for a fantastic work.
Can you send a screenshot of the widget with the fan speed selection
Here you go bro!
Hmm, have to see, cannot do drop-downs on nextion
Hi, If it's possible, can you also add preset mode?
- none
- away
- eco
- boost
- comfort
- sleep
At least Eco and Comfort?
Just a kind reminder, is this feature still in your plan?
Another gentle reminder if this feature is still in your to-do list?
There is no space to do this on the climate/thermostat page. There is a new fan popup page, that might be used in future for this, but the fan page does not yet support to select any modes.
The problem is the fan speed is part of the air conditioner, i am not sure if i can separate it as an independent fan to be used as a fan entity?
Just an idea about preset_mode, when there is supported_modes option now, there is some space for preset_modes left So everyone can choose what to appear below the thermostat. I mean, if you remove all or add only 2(some) supported modes, there will be space for some preset_modes or fan speeds under thermostat.
little preview
Has been implemented in latest dev version.
@joBr99 Question i updated to latest main version i but i dont get these option do i need some extra config? on 2 A/C i only see swing mode but not options and one A/C shows fan mode without option. i would really like fan mode to work. thanks.
- type: cardThermo
entity: climate.hal_ac
title: Hal A/C
key: clislaapkmracKey
Fan mode
Swing mode
please restart appdaemon and provide the appdaemon logs that are generated during opening that detail page
please restart appdaemon and provide the appdaemon logs that are generated during opening that detail page
Here is the appdeamon log when opening the detail page. i saw that some log are different so i added for all.
A/C 1 and 2
2022-11-22 14:46:49.981173 INFO nspanel-1: MQTT callback for: {'topic': 'tele/tasmota_7E0388/RESULT', 'wildcard': None, 'payload': '{"CustomRecv":"event,pageOpenDetail,popupThermo,climate.hal_ac"}'} 2022-11-22 14:46:49.983474 INFO nspanel-1: Received Message from Screen: event,pageOpenDetail,popupThermo,climate.hal_ac 2022-11-22 14:46:50.039686 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: entityUpdateDetail~climate.hal_ac~���~64512~Swingmodus~swing_modes~off~on?off~Ventilatormodus~fan_modes~high~auto?quiet?low?medium?high~
A/C 3
2022-11-22 14:56:57.237042 INFO nspanel-2: Started rendering of page None with type cardThermo 2022-11-22 14:56:57.278579 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: entityUpdateDetail~climate.slaapkamer_pim~ ~35921~Ventilatormodus~fan_modes~auto~auto?high?med?low?quiet~ 2022-11-22 14:56:58.228364 INFO nspanel-1: MQTT callback for: {'topic': 'tele/tasmota_7E0388/RESULT', 'wildcard': None, 'payload': '{"CustomRecv":"event,pageOpenDetail,popupThermo,climate.slaapkamer_pim"}'}
Airco group its Airco 1 and 2 together
2022-11-22 14:52:38.403665 INFO nspanel-1: MQTT callback for: {'topic': 'tele/tasmota_7E0388/RESULT', 'wildcard': None, 'payload': '{"CustomRecv":"event,pageOpenDetail,popupThermo,climate.airco_group"}'} 2022-11-22 14:52:38.404259 INFO nspanel-1: Received Message from Screen: event,pageOpenDetail,popupThermo,climate.airco_group 2022-11-22 14:52:38.430424 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: entityUpdateDetail~climate.airco_group~ ~64512~Swingmodus~swing_modes~off~off?on~Ventilatormodus~fan_modes~high~low?high?auto?quiet?medium~
hal_ac shows up like this:
Are you sure that you are on the latest display firmware?
i feel so stupid right now haha. sorry for wasting your time. thanks for helping
Hello there, sorry to drag this up. I'm using Shelly TRVs, these have preset_modes. I can't figure out if those are supported or not. And If they are, how to use them. I'm on latest dev, with appdaemon and firmware. Any hint would be appreciated. greetings, and thanks for the great work with this project!