couchdb-push icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
couchdb-push copied to clipboard

Deploy CouchDB documents from directory, JSON or CommonJS module.

CouchDB Push

Deploy CouchDB documents from directory, JSON or CommonJS module. Via API or command line client.


push(db, source[, options], callback)
  • db - URL to a CouchDB database. Auth URLs are OK. See nanos configuration, as this argument is directly passed to nano. As of v1.5.0 a nano object is supported, too.
  • source - Can be an object, a Couchapp Directory Tree, JSON file or CommonJS/Node module. Please see couchdb-compile for in depth information about source handling.
  • options.index - When set to true, folders are searched for index.js, which, if present, is treated as CommonJS module. Default is false.
  • options.multipart - if set to true, attachments are saved via multipart api.
  • - if set to true, watch source and push on file changes.
  • callback - called when done with two arguments: error and response.


var push = require('couchdb-push');
push('http://localhost:5984/my-app', 'project/couchdb', function(err, resp) {
  // { ok: true }


couchdb-push DB [SOURCE] [OPTIONS]

When SOURCE is omitted, the current directory will be used.
OPTIONS can be --index, --multipart or --watch, see above.


couchdb-push http://localhost:5984/my-app project/couchdb --watch


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(c) 2014-2018 Johannes J. Schmidt, TF

Apache 2.0 License