Julian Nonino
Julian Nonino
Hi everyone, how are you? Thanks for discussing and finding solutions for it, please feel free to raise all the PR that you consider necessary, contributions are always welcome, and...
Hi @guptag-dev, can you explain more in the description why it is required? How will the service pick up changes in the task definition with this change?
Updated as @mhrznamn068 suggested in version 1.0.32.
Hi @laptevn, how are you? Do you have any specific issue?
The same happened to me when migrating Traefik resources from `traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1` to `traefik.io/v1alpha1`. Can this be reopened please?
Cool, I'll work on a pull request for it!
Sure, we are actually using it that way!
New PR opened: https://github.com/traefik/traefik-helm-chart/pull/1009
For more context, tools like Wiz found issues with the Traefik container. Restrictions on secret access will help to reduce the risk of issues with sensitive information.
Hi, how are you? The [ecs-fargate](https://github.com/cn-terraform/terraform-aws-ecs-fargate) module already includes the task definition module. So just using that module will include everything.