ios-curve-interpolation copied to clipboard
Swift integration
I had a hard time to integrate your lib into my swift project, (problems with extension translated to unrecongnised convenience init)
So after a while i decided to translate the interpolateCGPointsWithHermite
in native swift 2+
I won't do a pull request as it is not appropriated (my opinion)
but I can share that here
I made an extension out of it (as a static helper) it could have been a convenience init or a fully static helper (the choice is your)
extension UIBezierPath {
static func interpolateHermiteFor(points: [CGPoint], closed: Bool = false) -> UIBezierPath {
guard points.count >= 2 else {
return UIBezierPath()
if points.count == 2 {
let bezierPath = UIBezierPath()
return bezierPath
let nCurves = closed ? points.count : points.count - 1
let path = UIBezierPath()
for i in 0..<nCurves {
var curPt = points[i]
var prevPt: CGPoint, nextPt: CGPoint, endPt: CGPoint
if i == 0 {
var nexti = (i+1)%points.count
var previ = (i-1 < 0 ? points.count-1 : i-1)
prevPt = points[previ]
nextPt = points[nexti]
endPt = nextPt
var mx: CGFloat
var my: CGFloat
if closed || i > 0 {
mx = (nextPt.x - curPt.x) * CGFloat(0.5)
mx += (curPt.x - prevPt.x) * CGFloat(0.5)
my = (nextPt.y - curPt.y) * CGFloat(0.5)
my += (curPt.y - prevPt.y) * CGFloat(0.5)
else {
mx = (nextPt.x - curPt.x) * CGFloat(0.5)
my = (nextPt.y - curPt.y) * CGFloat(0.5)
var ctrlPt1 = CGPointZero
ctrlPt1.x = curPt.x + mx / CGFloat(3.0)
ctrlPt1.y = curPt.y + my / CGFloat(3.0)
curPt = points[nexti]
nexti = (nexti + 1) % points.count
previ = i;
prevPt = points[previ]
nextPt = points[nexti]
if closed || i < nCurves-1 {
mx = (nextPt.x - curPt.x) * CGFloat(0.5)
mx += (curPt.x - prevPt.x) * CGFloat(0.5)
my = (nextPt.y - curPt.y) * CGFloat(0.5)
my += (curPt.y - prevPt.y) * CGFloat(0.5)
else {
mx = (curPt.x - prevPt.x) * CGFloat(0.5)
my = (curPt.y - prevPt.y) * CGFloat(0.5)
var ctrlPt2 = CGPointZero
ctrlPt2.x = curPt.x - mx / CGFloat(3.0)
ctrlPt2.y = curPt.y - my / CGFloat(3.0)
path.addCurveToPoint(endPt, controlPoint1:ctrlPt1, controlPoint2:ctrlPt2)
if closed {
return path
nb: it takes an array of CGPoint as you can do that in swift
Thank you so much! I originally got my swift code to work with the objective-c class, but this helped simplify it.
BTW, I did my own Swift ports of these, found here on Stack Overflow.