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Ruby wrapper for Yahoo!'s FireEagle

FireEagle[] (FE) is a system providing centralized management of user location information. FE allows 3rd party developers to pdate and/or access user's location data.

== Installation

gem install fireeagle

== Usage

require 'fireeagle' client = :consumer_key => "", :consumer_secret => "", :access_token => "[access token]", :access_token_secret => "[access token secret]")

==== With a User-specific OAuth Access Token

update your location

client.update(:q => "punta del diablo, uruguay") # I wish

query your location

user = client.user => #<FireEagle::User:0x1ca5e08 ... > user.locations => [#<FireEagle::Location:0x1cdd9e8 ...>, #<FireEagle::Location:0x1cc8ffc ...>, ... ] user.best_guess => #<FireEagle::Location:0x1cdd9e8 ...> => "Punta del Diablo, Uruguay"

lookup a location

locations = client.lookup(:q => "30022") => [#<FireEagle::Location:0x1cdd9e8 ...>, #<FireEagle::Location:0x1cc8ffc ...>, ...] => "Alpharetta, GA 30022" locations.first.place_id => "IrhZMHuYA5s1fFi4Qw"

== Authorization

Authorization is handled by OAuth. For more details about the OAuth authorization flow and how it differs based on your application type, please see

== Contributing You know what to do.

Rubyforge Project Page:: Author:: Jesse Newland ( ([email protected][mailto:[email protected]]) Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Jesse Newland. Portions[] Copyright (c) 2008 Yahoo! License:: Distributed under the same terms as Ruby