Jacob Neterer
Jacob Neterer
I'm getting the same error today.
@Fubinator I would definitely be interested in React Native support for Userbase. I'm currently playing around with Userbase in Ionic. I like React Native significantly more than Ionic, so if...
@Fubinator this is really encouraging to hear! How was the speed of signing in?
@j-berman I do have one question when it comes to mobile apps built with Userbase. If I've set remember me to local storage and the user at some point deletes...
@Fubinator great idea, I'll check your repo out!
I am having the same issue. It is adding space both above and below when using SafeAreaView when header mode is none. You can see the highlighted content is what...
@jacobp100 thanks for your response, however that is not the issue. The issue is when using two SafeAreaView's, one for the top and bottom of the screen. @ajaykumar97 I believe...
@marioPerezRef I was getting this same error. I think you could run into errors if you try to convert a `.mov` with the same file name. I fixed it by...
@GantMan I suppose it doesn't make sense to extract and scan images in a .txt file, as that's not possible. The main issue I'm trying to solve is ensuring individuals...
@GantMan thinking through extracting images from the file... would the process be first identifying images in a document, then classifying the image?