I've been testing your commit but it seems the standard SickBeard search pattern is not sufficient for The pattern SB is using is 'Weeds - 7x02 - From Trauma...
Hmm... I'm wondering if this has something to do with me pulling your fork down and copying in my cache_, sickbeard.db_, and config.ini from my working branch.. ``` $ tail...
Fresh install produced the same issue: ``` Jul-08 12:44:45 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Searching for download for Weeds - 7x02 - From Trauma Cometh Something Jul-08 12:44:45 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Searching...
Yes I verified my passkey is in the config.ini and enabled is set to '1'. However, in the interface it shows the provider disabled and no passkey set (even though...
I've updated the Provider via the interface and verify it displays enabled, however it is still not finding anything: ``` Jul-08 13:03:18 DEBUG CP Server Thread-5 :: 74845: An object...
Ok, I pulled the latest sources from your Fork and started fresh, unfortunately It is still not pulling: ``` Jul-08 14:37:47 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Searching for download for Weeds -...
Here is the 'grep': ``` $ grep "FreshOnTV cache update URL" Logs/sickbeard.log Jul-08 14:36:56 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: FreshOnTV cache update URL: ```
Yes when I access that URL I am provided with the XML feed: Snippet below: ``` Tv TORRENTs TvT RSS FEED Fri, 08 Jul 2011 23:10:37 GMT Copyright Tv TORRENTs...
This RSS Feed is not providing the show in question, I guess it only shows the latest X uploads??
Ahh ok. I'll keep that in mind and see how it works out.