OctoPrint-GoogleDriveFiles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
OctoPrint-GoogleDriveFiles copied to clipboard

Google Drive Files

This plugin will sync a configured folder in your Google Drive locally to your OctoPrint instance.




Due to upstream dependencies this plugin has been updated to only work in Python 3. You can either flash OctoPi 0.18 which ships with Python 3 standard or use the upgrade instructions here to upgrade your instance.

You may also need to install some system dependencies, specifically if you manually installed OctoPrint and didn't use the OctoPi image. Known dependencies that have been reported are Rust and libssl-dev. Use the commands to below to install them.

sudo apt install rustc
sudo apt install libssl-dev

Create a Google OAuth App

  1. Login to the Google Developers Console
  2. Create a new project giving it a name of your choice.
  3. In the sidebar on the left (via screenshot), select APIs and Services > Dashboard then at the top of the page click the button to Enable APIS and Services.
  4. Enter drive in the search box at the top of the page and click Google Drive API.
  5. Click the Enable button to allow our app to use the Google Drive API.
  6. In the sidebar on the left, select APIS and Services > Credentials
  7. Click CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN button at the top of the page.
  8. Select the External user type if you do not use Google G Suite, otherwise you can select Internal and click Create.
  9. If you don't publish your app you need to add the user email that you will be using to access Google Drive as a Test User.
  10. Click Save and Continue on the remaining pages for your consent screen, and then click Back to Dashboard.
  11. In the sidebar on the left (via screenshot), select APIs and Services > Credentials again.
  12. Click on Create credentials and select OAuth client ID.
  13. Select Web application for application type and then enter a name (can be anything and does not really matter). Fill in the Authorized redirect URIs as https://jneilliii.github.io/OctoPrint-GoogleDriveFiles/ and then click Create.
  14. Click OK to the confirmation page and then use the download button screenshot to save your client_secrets#####.json file.
  15. Use the downloaded client_secrets#####.json file to upload into the plugin’s settings to authorize its access to your Google Drive as described in the Configuration section below.


Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:



Once the Prerequisite steps above have been completed and you have downloaded your client_secrets.json file follow these steps to authorize the plugin to your newly created app.

  1. Open OctoPrint's settings from the System menu at the top of the page and select Google Drive Files in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Fill in the name of the folder you'd like to sync with in your Google Drive (will be added if it doesn't exist), use the Browse button to select your downloaded client_secrets#####.json file and press the Upload button.
  3. An authentication URL will be generated, click the Get Auth Code button to open a new window and authorize your custom Google app.
  4. Log in to your Google account you want to give Drive access to. You will get a warning that the App isn't verified. This is normal as you have not submitted your custom app for verification by Google. You can choose to do that if you want but is not necessary for the operation of the plugin. Click the Continue button.
  5. Click the Continue button to retrieve your authentication code.
  6. Click the copy button to copy the authentication code to the clipboard.
  7. Paste the code copied in the previous step into the Auth Code field and click Authorize.
  8. If everything went well then you will be presented with a successful message.

Get Help

If you experience issues with this plugin or need assistance please use the issue tracker by clicking issues above.

Additional Plugins

Check out my other plugins here


Support My Efforts

I, jneilliii, programmed this plugin for fun and do my best effort to support those that have issues with it, please return the favor and leave me a tip or become a Patron if you find this plugin helpful and want me to continue future development.

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