balls copied to clipboard
Nice framework, needs a task runner
It seems like every new scripting language these days has its own taskrunner. Ruby has rake, Coffescript has cake, for Coco there is coke and probably some more make puns that I don't know about.
Since running tasks in plain bash is not complicated enough, I propose to add the bake command which can be used to run the accompanying Bakefiles. Each Bakefile would consist of a number of recipes with a variety of different ingredients, and so on.
If anyone thinks this is a good idea I'd be happy to build it.
I like the idea of bash task runners. So if you made this Task runner would it look like this?
- Task/
task <task name> run task
task <task group> run a group of tasks
Feature: Bash Task Runner
In order save development time by running async jobs
As a developer
I gain more time prorgramming cooler features
Unit: Tasks
Scenario: Automated testing
Given I have a testing suite like cucumber or bats
And my step_definitions define for balls
When I save code in my bash balls server
Then will tests features within ./Test/* and ./Test/Feature/*
@John-Appleseed You're mostly correct. But the focus will not be on saving development time, but rather to get the most "readable" syntax possible by abusing the bash control constructs. Think rspec here, monkey-patching the global class so they could overload the == operator to mean something different.
Bash, of course, doesn't have a == operator.
I wonder if that fits this project :>