UndeadPeopleTileset icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
UndeadPeopleTileset copied to clipboard

Mirror of SomeDeadGuy/UndeadPeopleTileset since it seems to have been removed from github

Work in progress. It will take some time. Keep updating tileset every day to see more overmap tiles.


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This is a tileset for Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead (and for Bright Nights fork of this game) based on the works by Xotto, Waldo and others. My goal is to make the most complete tileset for the game, with support for all mods out there.


This tileset strives to always be up to date with the latest experimental version of the game.

Latest experimental version of the game: https://cataclysmdda.org/experimental/

Bright Nights fork: https://github.com/cataclysmbnteam/Cataclysm-BN#cataclysm-bright-nights

Direct download link



Download the archive, copy the data and gfx folders from TILESETS into your Cataclysm Installation folder (where cataclysm-tiles.exe is). In-game, choose UNDEAD_PEOPLE (NEW VERSION) or UNDEAD_PEOPLE_LEGACY tileset under Settings -> Options -> Graphics -> Choose Tileset


The most up to date version of the tileset. Now when you install tileset you also install tilesets for mods in appropriate folders, so you don't need to use mods with tilesets for other mods. Please create issue if you experience troubles, I am still figuring out how to do it right and how to describe it propertly in README.

If you still want them you will need to copy Mods forlder from TILESET_MODS folder in to cataclysm installation folder and then enable mods with the same name as mod what are you going to use plus "- UndeadPeople Tileset" in it's name under "graphical" category.

So for mod like "PKs Rebalancing" you will need to enable "PKs Rebalancing - UndeadPeople Tileset" along side with it to get graphics for this mod.


Old version of the tileset.

Old Xotto tileset is now included in archive under different name and fixed for the last version, cause I really dislike what cata devs did and stole name of this tileset for their new one what looks totaly different. I want people to see actual tileset I started working with.

How to install my graphical Mods

Put Mods folder in "Cataclysm Installation folder", NOT in "Cataclysm Installation folder"/data. This way you can separate mods that are updated with the game, and mods you downloaded somewhere else that need to be updated by hand.

Mods that are bundled with this tileset (other then mods with graphics for other mods) are graphical mods designed to work with this tileset and change certain aspects of it.

If graphical mod (or any other mod with supplemental tileset inside (Secronom, Arcana, etc.)) do not work - save the game, close it, open it again and load save. It should 100% hook mods with tileset to the game.

My own Memory Color Settings

Make memory black and white when making it darker so darkness can be distinguished from memory. In my opinion make the game way better looking. Try it out!

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Modpack With FULL UNDEAD support (No Mods with tileset mentioned below needed)

This tileset now works with Kenan's Mod Pack.

The modpack consist of interesting mods for Cataclysm that are always up to date with the latest version of the game, and have modded tiles from Undead People already installed. You do not need to use this tileset to see graphics for these mods. Please check it out!

https://github.com/Kenan2000/CDDA-Kenan-Modpack - for CDDA

https://github.com/Kenan2000/Bright-Nights-Kenan-Mod-Pack - for BN

Install my tileset files AFTER you install this modpack.

Nearly Dead

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This tileset uses resources from the upcoming game "Nearly Dead" by Xotto and Toro, which was generously provided by Xotto. I plan to use more graphics from this game in the future, so please consider supporting it! It looks like an awesome Cataclysm inspired real time survival game, and it is made by Cataclysm modders.


Check their successful Kickstarter page:


Thank you, Xotto and Toro. Very Cool.

Want to add or change something in this tileset?

PRs submitted here: https://github.com/SomeDeadGuy/UndeadPeopleUnpacked