Jaime Martínez
Jaime Martínez
By accident I was researching an issue with the current logged in user and saw this ticket. Does @siniger refer to this line of code? https://github.com/10up/distributor/blob/develop/includes/classes/ExternalConnections/WordPressExternalConnection.php#L907 While InternalConnections can re-use...
I will record a screencapture with some extensive debug information. Thank yor for the quick reply!
Ok, I found out that I filtered `dt_push_post_args` after I booted this logic on the `plugins_loaded` hook. Then it gets run a lot. Now I only use the `dt_push_post_args` filter...
To be complete, for a test, I added `do_action('jaime')` to `NetworkSiteConnection->push()` method and hooked my logic to that hook. My code was triggerd 6 times... ``` add_action('jaime', function() { add_filter(...
Just reduced it to running 1 time. I had a old redundant call still that initialized my logic on `init`. Now that it's gone, everything is just called once. So...
hi @emisrw, I had the same issue with ACF Blocks. IF you look closely, you notice a backwards slash missing. I fixed this issues by running the pushed content through...
Well maybe I cheered a bit to early :) I found out that the filter `'content_save_pre'` triggered by `sanitize_post`, which triggers `sanitize_post_field` which triggers `content_pre_save` filter removes the slashes.... Searching...
I think what he means, is that the Woocommerce duplicate functionality also copies the distributor meta data, so now 2 posts have the same connection mapping. I'm using https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/duplicate-post/ plugin...
Here is my solution https://github.com/burovoordeboeg/distributor-meta-data/commit/5cc2e966b5934f82aae789f28370989798498573
Came here to note (leave a FYI) that the contrast of the file manager is to low. Barely the filenames/folder names on my screen. And that's more because I have...