Joseph O'Brien
Joseph O'Brien
Couple of related things, one or more projects depending on decisions/time: - Rework `qualtrics_api_credentials()` to use arg `datacenter_id` checked against list (see #333) - Add support to query Qualtrics's mocking...
I've been thinking about the need to revamp URL generation for #294, the number of new and pending new functions, and the casual discussion about where to place new things...
Are there any plans to develop NADA to support a fully DDI-based solution for both study-level and variable-level metadata, (e.g., Lifecycle, or perhaps the forthcoming CDI standard)? I've been discussing...
Small documentation note: the guidance for importing the trees into fitted object `x` is to call `invisible(x$fit$state)`. However, in the case of `rbart_vi()`, `x$fit` is itself a list-object, requiring an...