Jesús M. Navarro
Jesús M. Navarro
> I haven't been able to reproduce this on any of the stated versions, or latest, with trivial config. I'd be grateful if someone could provide a reproduction case. I...
> Thanks for the test case, @jmnavarrol. I believe this is fixed in #31471, which was released in `v1.3.0-alpha20220803`. Could you try it out with and let me know...
I think this issue could be closed. I tested again [on my repository]( with Terraform version 1.6.2 and I couldn't reproduce this bug anymore.
Provider produced inconsistent result after apply when interacting with remote secondary datacenters
> Hi @rrijkse, I made some tests and found the way I wanted to implement this. I will come back to this issue and try to fix all the resources...
> @remilapeyre : Went to try and get all the K8S CRDs setup today, and quickly found out that this, too, doesn't work. > > When I use Terraform to...
I think I need a bit of clarification here. As per tfenv's README it doesn't seem it parses terraform sources to find a proper version to install, that is, it...
More info: I read more carefully and I noticed the combination of TFENV_AUTO_INSTALL=true + TFENV_TERRAFORM_VERSION=[something] and I did some more tests (TFENV_AUTO_INSTALL is not defined, therefore it goes with its...
> Not sure if this plugin is tested using Red hat satellite. @LalatenduMohanty At least there seems to be scaffolding supporting it (lots of accepted parameters only make sense on...
I created [a github repo]( with example code.
> you can always override the host_group_vars plugin and implement that logic in your custom one. As for my current needs, probably a bit of overkill since I never developed...