abba icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
abba copied to clipboard

Apache Bootstrap & Bootswatch Autoindex

Results 8 abba issues
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Last item is selected even when I click on the first one: ![See here](


How do I add the custom header logo and text in this theme?


Hello, thanks for the nice work. Please, how would I change the date format to something more universal like: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS


Hello Thanks for ABBA that i start to use. I face a small problem. I use it at a non root location. I mean that i use it to browse...


I am trying to install abba wit docker compose. This is what my file looks like: ``` version: '3' services: cdn: image: jmlemetayer/abba:latest container_name: cdn restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /var/lib/docker/cdn:/var/www...

help wanted

### GitHub Actions Version Updates * **[docker/login-action](** published a new release **[v3.0.0](** on 2023-09-12T07:51:46Z * **[docker/build-push-action](** published a new release **[v5.0.0](** on 2023-09-12T07:46:14Z * **[docker/metadata-action](** published a new release **[v5.0.0](**...