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A FUSE server implementation for Rust.

= rust-fuse :url-fuse: :url-docs:

image:[link=""] image:[link={url-docs}]

The fuse crate is an implementation of the {url-fuse}[FUSE] protocol, which allows filesystems and character devices to be backed by a userspace process. It currently provides enough coverage to implement basic FUSE and CUSE servers.

== Stability

This is a pre-v0.1 library. Many of FUSE's more advanced capabilities do not work yet, and test coverage is incomplete. Please file issues if there is functionality you'd like to see implemented.

[%header, cols="2,5"] |=== |Feature |Tracking issue

|FreeBSD support |image:[link=""]

|High-level API |image:[link=""]

|Interrupts |image:[link=""]

|macOS support |Not planned due to lack of open-source kernel drivers.

|Unprivileged mounts |image:[link=""] |===


I am happy to accept contributions in the form of bug reports, pull requests, or emailed patches.

== Usage

Add a dependency in Cargo.toml:


[dependencies] fuse = { git = "" }

Implement the FuseHandlers trait for your filesystem:


extern crate fuse; use fuse::server; use fuse::server::fuse_rpc;

struct HelloFS {} impl<S: server::io::FuseSocket> fuse_rpc::Handlers<S> for HelloFS { // your filesystem handlers here }

Use fuse-libc (requires libc) or fuse-linux (requires a supported target architecture) to build and run your filesystem server:


fn mount(target: &OsStr) -> fuse_libc::FuseServerSocket { let mount_options = fuse::os::linux::MountOptions::new(); fuse_libc::os::linux::mount(&target_cstr, mount_options).unwrap() }

fn main() { let handlers = HelloWorldFS {}; let mount_target = std::env::args_os().nth(1).unwrap(); let dev_fuse = mount(&mount_target); let conn = server::FuseServer::new().connect(dev_fuse).unwrap(); fuse_rpc::serve(&conn, &handlers); }

Please see {url-docs}[the documentation] for advanced options.

=== Feature std

It is possible to run a minimal single-threaded FUSE server in a no_std binary.


[dependencies.fuse] default-features = false

Note that some functionality is not available in no_std mode. Please see {url-docs}[the documentation] for details on which parts of the API depend on std.