aws-guardduty-remediation-workflow icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
aws-guardduty-remediation-workflow copied to clipboard

A Step Functions microservice for remediating GuardDuty findings.

GuardDuty Remediation Workflow with Step Functions

This serverless application creates an AWS Step Functions state machine that uses AWS Lambda functions to publish alerts and remediate Amazon GuardDuty findings. The below architecture showcases how a finding is processed through the workflow.




Below are the necessary prerequisites:

Cloud9 Environment

If you have trouble installing any of the prerequisites or dependencies, you can spin up an AWS Cloud9 environment, which is a cloud-based IDE that comes prepackaged with a number of essential packages.

Install Dependencies

After cloning the repo, change to the aws-guardduty-remediation-workflow and run the following to install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt -t ./

Setup Environment

Before you deploy the SAM template for your serverless application you need to setup a number of resources manually.


Create Slack Bot

Go to your Slack client:

  1. Click the top left corner drop down.
  2. Under Administration click Manage Apps.
  3. In the left navigation click Custom Integrations and click Bots.
  4. Click Add Configuration
  5. Type guardduty for the Username and click Add Bot Integration.
  6. Securely copy the API Token. You'll be adding this to parameter store later on.
  7. Customize the Name and Icon as you see fit and click Save Integration.

Create Slack Channel

Create a new channel for receiving alerts. Invite your bot by typing @guardduty in the channel and clicking invite them to join.

AWS Resources

Create an S3 Bucket

In order to package and deploy SAM templates you need to have an S3 bucket where you can upload your artifacts. If you don't already have a bucket you plan on using you can run the command below to create one.

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <BUCKET NAME> --region <REGION> --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<REGION>

Create Parameter

For this application you need to manually create a Parameter in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store for your Slack Bot Token.

aws ssm put-parameter --name "bot-token-guardduty" --type "SecureString" --value "<INSERT SLACK API TOKEN>"

Create Inspector Role

If you haven't used Amazon Inspector before you'll need to create an IAM Service-Linked Role.

  1. Browse to IAM Console and click Roles in the left navigation.
  2. Click Create Role and select Inspector for the service that will be using the Role.
  3. Click Next: Permissions, Next: Review, and then Create Role.

Package and Deploy the SAM template

Package local artifacts and upload to the S3 bucket you previously created.

aws cloudformation package --template-file guardduty_workflow.yml --s3-bucket <BUCKET NAME> --output-template-file guardduty_workflow_output.yml

Deploy the CloudFormation template.

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file guardduty_workflow_output.yml --stack-name sam-gd-remediation-workflow --parameter-overrides SlackChannel=<CHANNEL> SlackTokenName=bot-token-guardduty --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

View your GuardDuty Remediation State Machine

  1. Browse to the AWS Step Functions
  2. Click State Machines in the left navigation and click on guardduty-workflow.
  3. Click Definition to view the JSON structure and visual representation of the workflow.

Below are additional details about the Lambda functions included in the State Machine.

State Machine Workflow Details

