Jason Mehrens
Jason Mehrens
Looks like we have to use the system property mail.mime.allowutf8 or create new system property should be created to deal with using old and new methods of address domain validation.
@alxbel Capture the [protocol debugging](https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/mail/FAQ#debug) and include that information in this ticket. Which version of JavaMail/JakartaMail are you using? If it is a really old version make sure the debugging...
For Android, MethodHandles are only available in Oreo | 8.0.0 https://source.android.com/setup/start/build-numbers https://developer.android.com/reference/java/lang/invoke/package-summary
This was committed to v1.x branch and will be forward ported to AngusMail.
I think this is covered in the JavaMail FAQ under https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/mail/FAQ.html#encodefilename That said, I myself have to spend sometime digesting information listed in that entry. Some book keeping notes: Looks...
@lukasj > well, we still have to support JDK 8 in 2.0.x. Makes sense. So we are build on JDK 11 and targeting JDK8. That reminds me we need to...
@lukasj I cherry-picked the changes to remove method handles from 2.0.2 version. I also cleaned up some code smells and added some references to Android. This will have to be...
This is confusion on my part. What is the minimum Android API version for supported for master/2.x? For v1.x it is listed as 19 per https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/mail/Android but I don't see...
This work will be continued in AngusMail.
Sessions can be shared across threads but Stores and Transports should be local to a thread. Keep stores and folders local to same thread and there will be no contention.