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Chef cookbook for Drone

Drone Cookbook

Build Status

Installs Drone, a CI server built on Docker.

More information also @



  • Chef 12+


This cookbook is tested against:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • CentOS 7.x

...but it might work on other platforms.




Installs and sets up the drone agent. Assumes you have already setup and configured docker.

Include recipe[drone::agent] in your run list.


Installs the drone server. Assumes you have already setup and configured docker.

Include recipe[drone::server] in your run list.


Installs the drone agent. Also will install and configure docker with jmccann-docker-host cookbook.

Include recipe[drone::standalone_agent] in your run list.


Installs the drone server. Also will install and configure docker with jmccann-docker-host cookbook.

Include recipe[drone::standalone_server] in your run list.


Attribute Description Type Default
node['drone']['agent']['config'] Hash of configuration envvars for Drone Agent Hash See Configuration section below.
node['drone']['agent']['repo'] Docker repo to pull Drone Agent from String 'drone/agent'
node['drone']['agent']['network_mode'] What network mode to start Drone agent with. Default from Docker is bridge. String nil
node['drone']['agent']['vault']['items'] Array of vault items to load from bag for agents Array ['drone_secret']
node['drone']['agent']['volumes'] Volumes to mount to drone from host for agent Array ['/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock']
node['drone']['server']['config'] Hash of configuration envvars for Drone Server Hash See Configuration section below.
node['drone']['server']['network_mode'] What network mode to start Drone server with. Default from Docker is bridge. String nil
node['drone']['server']['port'] Docker port configuration for server. Binds container 8000 to host 80 and exposes port 9000 by default. Array ['80:8000', '9000:9000']
node['drone']['server']['repo'] Docker repo to pull Drone Server from String 'drone/drone'
node['drone']['server']['vault']['items'] Array of vault items to load from bag for server Array ['database_config' 'drone_database_datasource' 'drone_github_client' 'drone_github_secret' 'drone_license' 'drone_secret']
node['drone']['server']['volumes'] Volumes to mount to drone from host for server Array ['/var/lib/drone:/var/lib/drone', '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock']
node['drone']['vault']['bag'] Name of vault with secrets String 'vault_drone'. See Vault section below.
node['drone']['version'] Version of Drone String '0.8'


Drone is configured by setting certain ENV variables in the agent/server containers.

For Drone ENV config settings see:

  • - Drone 0.8

With this cookbook you can inject ENV variables to your Drone agent/server containers by using node['drone']['agent']['config'] and node['drone']['server']['config']. The keys after config are the ENV variable names and the value you set is the value to assign the ENV variable.

You can find examples of this in use in the .kitchen.yml

Secrets With Chef-Vault

This cookbook supports using secrets from chef-vault. The vault bag to use is controlled by node['drone']['vault']['bag']. Vault items that are loaded are controlled by the default['drone']['agent']['vault']['items'] and default['drone']['server']['vault']['items'] attributes.

HTTPS Config

Drone has the ability to terminate SSL connections. This cookbook doesn't do this for you but supports being able to do it.

  1. Add your cert and private key to the host
  1. Expose the certificates to the Drone container using node['drone']['server']['volumes']
node['drone']['server']['volumes'] = [
  1. Configure Drone to use the cert/key pair
node['drone']['config']['drone_server_cert'] = '/etc/ssl/certs/drone.pem'
node['drone']['config']['drone_server_key'] = '/etc/ssl/private/drone.key'
  1. Expose Drone service via host port 443
node['drone']['server']['port'] = '443:8000'


See attributes/docker.rb for more options.


  • Linting - Rubocop and Foodcritic
  • Spec - ChefSpec
  • Integration - Test Kitchen

Testing requires ChefDK be installed using it's native gems.

gem install docker-api
foodcritic -f any -X spec .
rspec --color --format progress

If you run into issues testing please first remove any additional gems you may have installed into your ChefDK environment. Extra gems can be found and removed at ~/.chefdk/gem.