rofi-power-menu copied to clipboard
🔒 i3lock & betterlockscreen support
I'm basically reopening this issue here #21 since I'm having the exact same problem. Can you please help me to solve it?
After applying those changes to the script, I get a error from i3lock, warning that locking wasn't possible, then it stops the screen locking. So strange behavior, isn't it? Anyone can help me? I'm using i3lock-color because I want to blur my desktop during my screenlock. Executing the same command on the terminal, works just fine!
$ i3lock --nofork --color=00000000
Me too, it wont work with it for some reason.
The problem is that rofi holds a lock on the keyboard and i3lock is therefore unable to have access to the keyboard and instead quits (probably so that you don't get stuck on the lockscreen without a functioning keyboard)
A solution is to kill rofi before executing the chosen action. This can be done by adding the the following line to line 266 of the script
# kill rofi (this line needs to be added)
killall rofi
# Perform the action (this was already in the script)
Wooow, thank you so much @KaXMaXimum! Your solution worked just fine!! :rocket:
I think this solves the issue I was having! :100: