Jakob Link
Jakob Link
Hi, from the [FAQ](https://github.com/seemoo-lab/nexmon_csi#frequently-asked-questions): > If half or three quarters of extracted CSI for 40 or 80MHz are mostly empty or contain very low values it is very likely that...
If you apply the mentioned filter `wlan.addr == 82:7b:be:f0:96:e0` while having a capture file open in Wireshark, only frames that contain that address in any of its fields will be...
The pre-generated `myframe.sh` will configure the chip to transmit frames on Wi-Fi channel 1 of the 2.4 GHz band. Make sure to listen on the same channel with your monitor...
There are countless tutorials online that explain how to configure and use Wi-Fi monitor interfaces. Please make yourself familiar with the topic on your own before continuing here.
If you are referring to `tcpdump` and `boringssl`, then we received your mail. Simply forgot to answer. Thank you for making us aware of this, at some point we'll update...
The 2.4 GHz band is way more crowded that the 5 GHz band. You might be on a channel with high interference and a high number of collisions, leading to...
Great to hear. As always, this thread would benefit from a description of your solution.