ClosureJavascriptFramework copied to clipboard
Externs dependency folder
When adding other JSAR maven projects, if you have an externDependencies folder, it will create a never-ending nesting of this folder unto itself. Not sure where this is in the code, but no one is currently doing much with externDependencies, thankfully. Please let me know if anyone is using them and I'll look into it sooner.
It would be nice to see this issue go, but anyway there are workarounds:
Reparenting the folder worked fine for me.
<copy todir="${}${file.separator}javascriptFramework${file.separator}output${file.separator}externDependencies" flatten="true">
<fileset dir="${}${file.separator}javascriptFramework${file.separator}output${file.separator}externDependencies${file.separator}externDependencies">
<exclude name="junit*" />
<include name="**/*.js"/>
<fileset dir="${}${file.separator}javascriptFramework${file.separator}output${file.separator}externDependencies${file.separator}externDependencies">
<include name="**/*"/>