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ShippingV2Api::getRates Getting 400-InvalidInput response with no information about error
Problem description:
I am trying to send getRates() request on ShippingApiV2 to get the rates list. I have passed all the required parameters and and checked the values many times. but still getting the same error.
[400] {
"errors": [
"code": "InvalidInput",
"message": "Invalid input",
"details": "Provided input is invalid. Please verify."
$body = new GetRatesRequest(); // \SellingPartnerApi\Model\ShippingV2\GetRatesRequest
// Set Channel Details
$orderDetails = new AmazonOrderDetails(['order_id' => '114-1234567-1234567']);
$channelDetails = new ChannelDetails(['channel_type' => 'AMAZON', 'amazon_order_details' => $orderDetails]);
// Set Ship from address
$shipFromAddress = new Address();
$shipFromAddress->setName('John Doe');
$shipFromAddress->setAddressLine1('test street address 1');
// Set Packages
$package = new Package();
// Set Dimensions
$dimension = new Dimensions(['length' => '2', 'width' => '2','height' => '2','unit' => 'INCH']);
// Set package weight
$weight = new Weight(['unit' => 'POUND', 'value' => '1']);
// Set Package Insured Value
$insuredValue = new Currency(['unit' => 'USD', 'value' => '10']);
$packageItems = [];
$packageItem = new Item();
$itemValue = new Currency(['unit' => 'USD', 'value' => '1.25']);
$itemWeight = new Weight(['value' => 'POUND', 'unit' => '1']);
$packageItems[] = $packageItem;
$packages = [$package];
$x_amzn_shipping_business_id = 'AmazonShipping_US';
$response = $apiInstance->getRates($body, $x_amzn_shipping_business_id);
I've just faced the same problem here and found the solution so hopefully this can be avoided in future. 'unit' values must be integers/floats and not string as in the above, then you should get a more constructive error back. Also value
and unit
are incorrect on $itemWeights
in the asbove code.