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AACS Support
Can you please add support for AACS so more Blu-rays can be ripped?
I've done this on my desktop and can rip blurays perfectly, but can't with this image.
Btw this image is awesome :-)
To my knowledge HandBrake itself doesn't support decryption of Blu-Ray discs.
How did you did that on your desktop?
I run linux, So I just installed libaacs and libbdplus and the KEYDB.cfg file. And Handbrake worked perfectly :-) Along with VLC. Though I have discovered your makemkv docker image, I installed the KEYDB.cfg in there and it worked nicely. But would be good to just convert a BD once in handbrake instead of using 2 programs
Interesting! Where do you get the KEYDB.cfg file? Are you aware of any documentation about this support in HandBrake?
I got the keys file from (There SSL certificate has expired but the site still works) I couldn't find any official docs, but this blog might help:
How can I get the SSL certificate ? Can I get it free ?
The SSL cert is vaild now.