vscode-latex-basics copied to clipboard
LaTeX grammars for Visual Studio Code
VSCode LaTeX grammars
The files contained in this repository were originally part of https://github.com/James-Yu/LaTeX-Workshop. They have been extracted in the hope that they can be useful outside of the LaTeX-Workshop extension. In particular, these files are used by VS Code to provide built-in syntax highlighting for BibTeX, LaTeX and TeX (to appear in the January 2022 release).
This repository contains tmLangugage
grammar files for LaTeX and BibTeX. These grammar files specifically target Visual Studio Code as they are accompanied by the corresponding language configuration files. However, the grammar files could in principle be consumed by any editor or extension using the TextMate language.
The grammar files support various embedded languages: asymptote
, c/c++
, css
, dot
, gnuplot
, html
, java
, javascript
, julia
, lua
, python
, ruby
, scala
, typescript
, xml
, yaml
and combined LaTeX and markdown to be used with the markdown
If not otherwise specified (see below), files in this repository fall under the license stated in LICENSE.txt
LaTeX grammar
The LaTeX grammar syntaxes/LaTeX.tmLanguage.json is based on https://github.com/textmate/latex.tmbundle/blob/master/Syntaxes/LaTeX.plist but has been largely modified. The original file falls under the following license
Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this
software is granted. This software is provided "as is" without
express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its
suitability for any purpose.
Combined LaTeX/Markdown grammar
The combined Markdown/LaTeX grammar syntaxes/markdown-latex-combined.tmLanguage.json is generated from the Markdown grammar included in VSCode and falls under the license described in markdown-latex-combined-license.txt.
C++ bailed out grammar
The file syntaxes/cpp-grammar-bailout.tmLanguage.json is generated from https://github.com/jeff-hykin/better-cpp-syntax and falls under the license described in cpp-bailout-license.txt.
To run the grammar tests
npm run test
The test cases are stored as .tex
files under test/colorize-fixtures
. Grammar test results are stored under test/colorize-results
, which are automatically generated from the fixtures.