spring-boot-starter-minio copied to clipboard
Minio starter for Spring Boot
When i am trying to run your example ``` @RestController @RequestMapping("/files") public class TestController { @Autowired private MinioService minioService; @GetMapping public List testMinio() throws MinioException { return minioService.list(); } @GetMapping("/{object}")...
I have an app using spring boot and minio. I use this dependency for minio: ``` com.jlefebure spring-boot-starter-minio 1.4 ``` When I migrated my app from spring boot 2.3.8.RELEASE to...
Hello, Thank you for the good job. Happy to provide spring boot 3 support. Hope you enjoy. Here the changes : - move to spring boot 3 - upgrade dependencies...
BeanCurrentlyInCreationException when create minioNotificationConfiguration bean on spring boot 2.6
using version: com.jlefebure spring-boot-starter-minio 1.10 spring boot version: 2.6.6 problem: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'minioNotificationConfiguration': Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference? at...
Proposing fix on the pom to remove scope provided as it is causing issue a project import 1.10 version. Update to latest spring boot 2.7.0 and minio 8.4.1. Fix issue...
If you have prototype beans with parameters in your application, the `MinioNotificationConfiguration` throws a NoSuchBeanException because it tries to get the instances of all beans with are defined in `applicationContext.getBeanDefinitionNames()`....
Do you have an exemple of MinioNotification use inside a springatch application ? I can't manage how to keep the spring main thread in a waiting state to handle configured...
Hi If I set in spring.minio.url=https://s3.myurl.com, then the connection goes always to port 80 (http) Adding: spring.minio.secure=true fixes the problem (connection goes over https), but you have to check your...
## Log below: ```shell Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled. 2021-04-02 15:11:04.279 ERROR 17668 --- [ main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Application run failed...
I test version 1.10 and dependency broken. I thing bicause scope provided. io.minio minio provided ${minio.version}