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Safe Z doesn't appear to be working on an x/y home

Open simpat1zq opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Voron 2.4R2. Before I setup the Klicky macros, I was using safe_z_home, which is now commented out per the instructions.

However, when I do an x/y home, it is not raising the z, which can potentially cause issues if the nozzle is close to the bed. How do I get that feature back where it raises the z when homing x/y?

Also, if I just home Z, it raises the gantry, does an x/y home, and then a z home. So that works the way it should. However, if I turn the motors off, it should forget the coordinates, but that doesn't appear to happen. Even after turning the motors off, if I do a Z home, it does the x/y home without raising the z. When the motors turn off the printer should assume it no longer knows where the toolhead is, and that doesn't appear to be happening when using the Klicky macros.

simpat1zq avatar Sep 23 '22 14:09 simpat1zq