Jesse Millan

Results 30 issues of Jesse Millan

e.g. ## Compatibility matrix | Kubernetes 1.7.* | Kubernetes 1.8.* | Kubernetes 1.9.* | |-----------------------|-----------------------|----------------------| | ✓ |✓ | ✓ | ✗ |

help wanted

In order to maintain some relationship between a cluster and the version of terraform-kubernetes-installer it was deployed with, we should be exporting the version / commit id as an output...

help wanted

One of the clusters we spin up, needs to validate integration of Cloud Controller Manager and Flexvolume Driver plugins through Kubernetes Services, Persistent Volumes, and Persistent Volume Claims.

We're just testing a single cluster shape. We need to add at least one more.

``` ``` Update these references to pull from or

Based on some internal feedback, it would be better if we automatically wrote out the instance private key file to generated folder by default instead of having the user manually...


An extended etcd connectivity issue can lead to pods failing to start. How: flannel uses an expiring (24 hours) etcd keys to manage the subnets allocated it worker nodes e.g....

Access to the k8s master insecure port is already disallowed by ingress. However, we should also ensure that communication within the VCN is also only on the secure port using...

client-to-server communication is already disallowed by ingress. The etcd LB is also private. However, we should also ensure that communication within the VCN is also secured using SSL.

We should add support for all the flavors of Linux distributions BMC provides including Oracle Linux, CentOS, and Ubuntu.