Julien Lambé
Julien Lambé
Hmm... In theory, if we have nested loops, this might be a problem. The var name should be "dynamically" created so it's not overwritten. I think for now we could...
Well currently it is the same issue for `@query` statement. If you need to use an `else` statement for your custom loop, you need to stick with `@if`, `@else` commands....
@mvdhoek1 Sorry for the late response, quite busy at this time. Thanks for reporting this issue, I'm going to check this as soon as possible.
From a fresh installation, there is currently no issue with this, at least by defining a custom post type and multiple metaboxes. The only issue on your code is the...
Perhaps you would like to fix the "sites" URL for your application by updating the returned values found inside the [`app/Hooks/Application.php`](https://github.com/themosis/themosis/blob/2.0/app/Hooks/Application.php#L61) file. It's generally defined to handle single and subdomain...
I'm going to postpone this feature for now. We have completely changed the metabox and custom fields to be API driven for the next release.
Definitely something I would like to show and use to promoto the framework. There are litrally dozens of beautiful websites built with the framework and it's a shame I haven't...
Normally the `flush` option, the value is kept only if it's valid. I mean, if another input was not valid, your current field should keep the inserted value. So in...
Indeed, in this case it makes sense to keep the initial value then. But currently, there is technical change to take into account is that when used as a custom...
Hi, this issue is already known. In order to make it work, we have to rename a lot of html tags when inserting new rows containing the editor. It might...