MethylStar copied to clipboard
Genome not found
I have properly formatted all of the parameters necessary for running the program (see below), but somehow am still getting the error message: ./src/bash/ 5: ./src/bash/tmp.conf: genome/: not found
Any ideas on why this is happening? My ref genome is hg38 formatted as a .fa file from UCSC.
============================================================ Here is summary of configuration parameters:
- RAW files location: /media/grayson/data1/grayson/WGBS
- Number and Size of the data-set: 64 Files and Total size: 566.0 Gigabyte
- The directory of results: /
- Genome type: Human
- Genome folder location: /media/grayson/data1/grayson/Reference genome/ -- Genome Reference name: hg38.fa
- Paired End: Enabled
- Trimmomatic location: /bin/Trimmomatic-Src-0.39/trimmomatic-0.39 -- JAVA path: /usr/bin/java -- ILLUMINACLIP: /bin/Trimmomatic-Src-0.39/trimmomatic-0.39/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:1:30:9 -- LEADING: 20 -- TRAILING: 20 -- SLIDINGWINDOW: 4:20 -- MINLEN: 36 -- Number of Threads: 8
- QC-Fastq path: /bin/fastqc_v0.11.8/FastQC/fastqc
- Bismark parameters: /bin/Bismark-0.19.1 -- scBS-Seq (--pbat)? Disabled -- Nucleotide status: false -- Number of Parallel: 8 Threads. -- Buffer size: 40 Gigabyte. -- Samtools Path: /bin/samtools -- Bedtools Path: /usr/bin/bedtools -- Intermediate for MethExtractor: Disabled
- Methylation extraction parameters( Only for quick run) -- Minimum read coverage: 1
- Methimpute Part: -- Methimpute Intermediate : Enabled -- Methimpute probability(Intermediate): constrained -- Methimpute Fit reports: Disabled -- Methimpute Enrichment plots: Disabled -- Methimpute Full report: Disabled -- Methimpute Context: All
- Parallel mode is: Disabled
- E-mail notification: Disabled
- MethylStar version: 1.1.1 Thanks!