macstats icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
macstats copied to clipboard

Mac OS X Statistics - Battery, Fans, CPU


node script for you mac stats

Example output:

--- CPU Stats ---
CPU Temp:        33.75°C

--- Fans Stats ---
Fan 0 speed:     1996 RPM
Fan 1 speed:     2003 RPM

--- Battery Stats ---
Charged:         82%
Capacity:        92%
Cycle Count:     692 (69%)
Max Cycle Count: 1000
Current Charge:  5189 mAh
Maximum Charge:  6316 mAh
Design Capacity: 6900 mAh
Time Remaining:  6.54 h
Temperature:     30.06°C


npm i macstats -g




'use strict';

let macstats = require('macstats');


API Reference

Data Description
battery.battery_installed Is battery installed, true or false [Boolean]
battery.design_capacity Battery design capacity in mAh [Int]
battery.max_capacity Max battery capacity in mAh [Int]
battery.current_capacity Current battery capacity in mAh [Int]
battery.percentage Current capacity percentage [Int]
battery.design_cycle_count Design cycle count [Int]
battery.cycle_count Current battery cycle count [Int]
battery.cycle_percentage Cycle count percentage [Int]
battery.temperature Battery temperature in °C [Float]
battery.charged Current battery charge percentage [Int]
battery.time_remaining Remaining time in minutes, if plugged in time until full, otherwise time until empty [Int]
battery.time_remaining_hours Time remaining in hours. Use in a combination with time_remaining_minutes [Int]
battery.time_remaining_minutes Time remaining in minutes. Use in a combination with time_remaining_hours [Int]
cpu.temp CPU Temperature in °C [Float]
fan.num Total number of fans [Int] Array of Objects (properties: id [Int], rpm [Int]), example: [ { id: 0, rpm: 2007 }, { id: 1, rpm: 1999 } ] }


Jan Kuri


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Thanks Massimiliano Marcon for SMC C++ code in v8.