Johnathan Kupferer
Johnathan Kupferer
A nice to have feature would be to have a higher level operator that manages deployment of anarchy in namespaces. It would watch for the creation of AnarchyGovernors and deploy...
It is possible to create an anarchy action for a subject, but this needs documentation. A shell script should also be used.
It should be possible for Anarchy to maintain separate pools of AnarchyRunners.
Pods in Unknown or Terminating (`metadata.deletionTimestamp`).
When an action is created that does not have `spec.callbackToken`, but the governor has callback handlers, then a callback token should be generated.
Anarchy should have a process for backing up AnarchySubjects and AnarchyActions to object storage such that they can be retrieved for DR purposes. The restore can be as simple as...
It should be possible to trigger an event handler of some sort for an operator in response to a webhook. This should add support for GitOps activities in a general...
Anarchy should support running playbooks other than the dynamically generated playbook by use of the `import_playbook`. This would be particularly useful for supporting Ansible collections.
Reorder ssh-bastion.cfg settings Switch ansible.cfg to use ssh-bastion.cfg