Johnathan Kupferer
Johnathan Kupferer
##### SUMMARY Add role `agnosticd_virtualenv` with hook in `setup_runtime.yml` to create a python virtualenv for ansible execution on localhost if configured and not already present. ##### ISSUE TYPE - Feature...
This is work based off of jbornemann's work documented here: and: The purpose of these updates to support sharding with mongodb using mongos with a configsvr. I can...
##### SUMMARY Add retries to bookbag deploy. ##### ISSUE TYPE - Bugfix Pull Request ##### COMPONENT NAME Role: bookbag
##### SUMMARY Change role `ocp4_workload_ama_demo_app_services_shared` to set `lab_ui_url` rather than `instructions_url` so that the URL will be picked up by other Babylon components to display as a link. ##### ISSUE...
### Long story short When a watch receives a 429 error (Too Many Requests) the watch fails rather than handling with backoff. ### Kopf version 1.36.0 ### Kubernetes version
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** For compatibility with using deploy keys with ArgoCD it is necessary to be able to generate SSH keypair secrets with...
##### SUMMARY - Remove unnecessary stat for include_vars checks - Fix to allow passtrough user data in include_vars ##### ISSUE TYPE - Bugfix Pull Request ##### COMPONENT NAME Core
##### SUMMARY - Update include vars to include implementation vars - Add example implementation ##### ISSUE TYPE - Feature Pull Request ##### COMPONENT NAME Core
``` git config --global "Your Name" git config --global [email protected] git config --global push.default simple ```