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AutoLocalize copied to clipboard

Automated translator for Localizable.strings files

What this does

This script uses Google Language APIs to translate your Localizable.strings files into whatever languages you (and Google) would like to support.

How to use it

Visit the Google API Console. Register your version of the script as a new project. Google will give you an API key. Take this key, put it into config.yaml.example, and remove the example from the end of the filename. Google has a 100,000 query limit on it's language API, which is way more than you'll need, I think. Technically Google does not support automated translation scripts like this one, so your API key may get banned. If you've already got one you're using, don't use it.

To start with, you should have already set your project up for localization by using Apple's NSLocalizedString(@"key", @"This is a comment") macro and extracted those keys using the genstrings tool.

The source language should be specified by editing the source_lang variable, it defaults to English. You should always use the 2 letter code for your source and destination fields.

Every laguange you would like to translate into should have an associated .lproj folder in your directory. The script will read those folders and use them to determine the destination languages.

Run the script from the directory containing your source and destination .lproj folders, and the keys will be used to automatically translate your strings.


  • The script doesn't correctly handle non-alphanumeric characters.
  • Xcode requires that a BOM be present in the output files, at this point tis is added manually.
  • There is the destination files are overwritten by default, there is no support for partially translated files, so be carefull if you are adding new strings to your source file.
  • I'm sure there's a ton more problems, this is the first draft. Good luck!