MakieLayout.jl copied to clipboard
show_axis parameter is ignored
In this code snippet:
using AbstractPlotting, GLMakie, AbstractPlotting.MakieLayout, Random
scene, layout = layoutscene(padding = 4, resolution = (1200, 1000));
scene1 = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene, title = "Lines")
lines!(scene1, randn(10), show_axis = false)
show_axis = false
is ignored and I have to call hidedecorations!.(scene1)
to hide the axis. Is it possible to make show_axis = false
show_axis is a parameter for the standard Makie axis which is a plot object that gets automatically added to a scene if that parameter isn't false. It has no effect on MakieLayout axes because those are entirely different things. The old system will at some point be migrated to makielayout, at that point maybe the keyword will have a different meaning