node-iconizr copied to clipboard
Use it as command line
It would be useful to have it as command line. Just like the PHP Cli one.
Hi @sbehrends,
I know it's been a long time — sorry for not being more responsive and thanks for waiting! I'll start rewriting iconizr from scratch during the next days and I'll take care of adding a CLI then, so please stay tuned.
Besides that, Happy New Year! :)
Cheers, Joschi
Nice to hear that! Right now im using it grunt-iconizr. I think this kind of tools are essential in the dev flow.
Happy new year to you too :)
Any chance your re-write got done? if that is the 1.1.1 version can you push it to npm please.
@mikey0000 Well, technically, the rewrite is mostly done and can be found in the dev branch. However, I never managed to write a proper documentation for it — i guess the properties overview is your best bet so far. There's a corresponding dev branch of grunt-iconizr as well.
While we still use tha tnew version in production internally for some older projects, I think that the original purpose of iconizr — providing PNG fallbacks for SVG images — is mostly obsolete nowadays. Given this and the fact that my time resources are very limited, I currently don't have any plans to continue working on iconizr. Writing a proper documentation is pretty much what takes me most of the time, which makes it even worse. Please understand that the state of the rewrite doesn't meet my personal quality demands yet at all, so I won't push this to npm. However, you should easily be able to use it by adding
"devDependencies": {
"node-iconizr": "jkphl/node-iconizr#dev"
to your package.json
. This will pull the sources directly from GitHub. Hope this helps a bit ...
Thanks, yes we've ended up deciding not to have png fallbacks so no longer need to do this.