Jordan Owens

Results 62 comments of Jordan Owens

Importing `belongs_to` associations is still not supported recursively, but here is an example how to possibly handle such a situation for now: See this thread:

Thank you @Wayneoween!

Hi Reijer, That's a good question. I haven't worked on a Magento project in some time now so I've been wondering what to do with this project. I suppose I'd...

That has been discussed here:

This issue has also been brought up in the Rails project. Since this models ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess I would like to stay in line with the approach there. I'm wondering if we...

It seems like this issue is when requiring any/all of these: `ConfigFile`, `MultiRoute`, `RespondWith`. It's definitely a `Delegator` issue as @zzak mentioned, but I'm not sure how to resolve the...

@sizief Are you still interested in working on this issue? I would love to see this change get into Sinatra.

@sirfilip that would be great 👍

I'm thinking we probably won't get Rack 3 support until Sinatra 4. I wonder if Rainbows will get an update to support Rack 3 once it is released?

@dentarg yes that is in master now 👍