Johannes Kleinlercher
Johannes Kleinlercher
Hm, while reading I learned the topic PDB is maybe more complicated than I thought …
+1 for gitops support! any idea when you can implement it?
@devdattakulkarni since gitops is the base for all deployments in our cluster it is more or less a showstopper for using kubeplus. However, we do not have a need right...
same here .. the kyverno chart just creates a dashboard configmap: but with the grafana-operator it is not possible to import this configmap out-of-the-box .. sad :/
I also just figured out that loki selfMonitoring depends on grafana-agent-operator and alloys podlogs CRD is incompatible with the podlogs CRD in grafana-agent-operator. This means you cannot deploy alloy and...
Or do you know if I can read app-config.yaml variables and entity annotations by myself in the EntityPage.xsx and use them when setting ``` const iframeProps = { iframe: {...
I also try to get this information in
@iain-b thanks for your speedy answer. I already recognized srcFromAnnotation but as you said thats only for IFrameCard for the Overviewpage, isn't it? I was looking for a solution for...
Ah or did you mean IFrameCard is just an example for me how to read properties then in the EntityPage.tsx?
If I understood it right it should probably work like that in the EntityPage.tsx: ``` const configApi = useApi(configApiRef); const { entity } = useEntity(); const kargoHostname = configApi.getOptionalStringArray('kargo.hostname'); const...