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Code for training Keras ImageNet (ILSVRC2012) image classification models from scratch


This repository contains code I use to train Keras ImageNet (ILSVRC2012) image classification models from scratch.

Highlight #1: I use TFRecords and API to speed up data ingestion of the training pipeline. This way I could multi-process the data pre-processing (including online data augmentation) task, and keep the GPUs maximally utilized.

Highlight #2: In addition to data augmentation (random color distortion, rotation, flipping and cropping, etc.), I also use various tricks as an attempt to achieve best accuracy for the trained image classification models. More specifically, I implement "LookAhead" optimizer (reference), "iter_size" and "L2 regularization" for the Keras models, and have tried to use "AdamW" (Adam optimizer with decoupled weight decay).

Highlight #3: I also develop code/documentation about how to optimize the trained tf.keras models with TensorRT. Refer to and Applying TensorRT on My tf.keras ImageNet Models for details.

I took most of the dataset preparation code from tensorflow models/research/inception. It was under Apache license as specified here.

Otherwise, please refer to the following blog posts for some more implementation details about the code:


The dataset and CNN models in this repository are built and trained using the tf.keras (tensorflow.keras) API. I myself have tested the code with tensorflow 1.11.0 and 1.12.2. My implementation of the "LookAhead" optimizer and "iter_size" does not work for "tensorflow.python.keras.optimizer_v2.OptimizerV2" (tensorflow-1.13.0+). I would recommend tensorflow-1.12.x if you'd like to use those 2 features of my code.

In addition, the python code in this repository is for python3. Make sure you have tensorflow and its dependencies working for python3.


  1. Download the "Training images (Task 1 & 2)" and "Validation images (all tasks)" from the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2012 (ILSVRC2012) download page.

    $ ls -l ${HOME}/Downloads/
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 jkjung jkjung 147897477120 Nov  7  2018 ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 jkjung jkjung   6744924160 Nov  7  2018 ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar
  2. Untar the "train" and "val" files. For example, I put the untarred files at ${HOME}/data/ILSVRC2012/.

    $ mkdir -p ${HOME}/data/ILSVRC2012
    $ cd ${HOME}/data/ILSVRC2012
    $ mkdir train
    $ cd train
    $ tar xvf ${HOME}/Downloads/ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar
    $ find . -name "*.tar" | while read NAME ; do \
          mkdir -p "${NAME%.tar}"; \
          tar -xvf "${NAME}" -C "${NAME%.tar}"; \
          rm -f "${NAME}"; \
    $ cd ..
    $ mkdir validation
    $ cd validation
    $ tar xvf ${HOME}/Downloads/ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar
  3. Clone this repository.

    $ cd ${HOME}/project
    $ git clone
    $ cd keras_imagenet
  4. Pre-process the validation image files. (The script would move the JPEG files into corresponding subfolders.)

    $ cd data
    $ python3 ./ \
              ${HOME}/data/ILSVRC2012/validation \
  5. Build TFRecord files for "train" and "validation". (This step could take a couple of hours, since there are 1,281,167 training images and 50,000 validation images in total.)

    $ mkdir ${HOME}/data/ILSVRC2012/tfrecords
    $ python3 \
              --output_directory ${HOME}/data/ILSVRC2012/tfrecords \
              --train_directory ${HOME}/data/ILSVRC2012/train \
              --validation_directory ${HOME}/data/ILSVRC2012/validation
  6. As an example, train a "GoogLeNet_BN" (GoogLeNet with Batch Norms) model.

    You could take a peek at and models/ before executing the training. For example, you might adjust the learning rate schedule, weight decay and total training epochs in the script to see if it produces a model with better accuracy.

    $ ./ googlenet_bn

    On my desktop PC with an NVIDIA GTX-1080 Ti GPU, it takes 7~8 days to train this model for 60 epochs. And top-1 accuracy of the trained googelnet_bn model is roughly 0.7091.

    NOTE: I do random rotation of training images, which actually slows down data ingestion quite a bit. If you don't need random rotation as one of the data augmentation schemes, you could comment out the code to further speed up training.

    For reference, here is a list of options for the script which gets called inside

    • --dataset_dir: specify an alternative directory location for the TFRecords dataset.
    • --dropout_rate: add a DropOut layer before the last Dense layer, with the specified dropout rate. Default is no dropout.
    • --weight_decay: L2 regularization of weights in conv/dense layers.
    • --optimizer: "sgd", "adam" or "rmsprop". Default is "adam".
    • --use_lookahead: use "LookAhead" optimizer. Default is False.
    • --batch_size: batch size for both training and validation.
    • --iter_size: aggregate gradients before doing 1 weight update, i.e. effective_batch_size = batch_size * iter_size.
    • --lr_sched: "linear" or "exp" (exponential) decay of learning rates per epoch. Default is "linear".
    • --initial_lr: learning rate of the 1st epoch.
    • --final_lr: learning rate of the last epoch.
    • --epochs: total number of training epochs.
  7. Evaluate accuracy of the trained googlenet_bn model.

    $ python3 --dataset_dir ${HOME}/data/ILSVRC2012/tfrecords \
  8. For training other CNN models, check out, and models/ This repository already supports mobilenet_v2, resnet50, googlenet_bn, inception_v2, efficientnet_b0, efficientnet_b1, efficientnet_b4 and osnet. You could implement your own Keras CNN models by extending the code in models/

Models trained with code in this repository

Model Input Size Parameters Top-1 Accuracy
googlenet_bn 224x224 80.9MB 7,020,392 0.7091
inception_v2 224x224 129.0MB 11,214,888 0.7234
mobilenet_v2 224x224 40.8MB 3,538,984 0.7054
resnet50 224x224 -- 25,636,712 --
efficientnet_b0 224x224 41.1MB 5,330,564 0.7318
osnet 224x224 29.5MB 2,440,952 0.6474

Additional notes about MobileNetV2

For some reason, Keras has trouble loading a trained/saved MobileNetV2 model. The load_model() call would fail with this error message:

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'dict' and 'float'

To work around this problem, I followed this post and added the following at line 309 (after the super() call of ReLU) lines in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/layers/

    if type(max_value) is dict:
        max_value = max_value['value']
    if type(negative_slope) is dict:
        negative_slope = negative_slope['value']
    if type(threshold) is dict:
        threshold = threshold['value']